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The Homer Water Tower Photo courtesy of Robert W. Guth |
The Homer Historical Society (HHS) was organized as a bicentennial project in 1974 to preserve and protect Homer history, to educate people about the significance of local history, and to establish a museum.
The mission of the Homer Historical Society is simply stated as
Preserving the History of Homer
Meetings are held the last Thursday of the month from January through October. Meetings will be at the Homer Library in the winter and at the Blair farm in spring and summer.
For up-to-date information on meeting dates, times, and locations, visit the Homer Index website or contact Dee Camp by phone at (517) 524-7348.
The Homer Historical Society welcomes your gifts to preserve the history of Homer. Your support by becoming a member and/or by your financial support is vital to our success.
Want to know what the Homer Historical Society does every year?
Download* our 2021 Year End Summary.
* Adobe Reader is required to open and view the downloaded press release. Depending upon your browser, the downloaded document will either open in a new window or be downloaded directly to your computer. You may then read it, print it, and/or save it to your computer.
After reading this report we hope that you will donate to support the work that we do to promote the history of Homer and the surrounding areas. Click the button to the right to donate online and fill in the requested information. It’s quick, easy, and secure.
Your support
is vital to our success.
A new window will open with the donation form. You may need to expand that window to complete the online donation.
Like to know more about early life in Homer? Ties to Homer highlights Homer’s history from 1832 to 2005 in 250 pages of stories, research, and photographs recounting area development, business, industry, agriculture, education, social life, and more. The book is sold at Homer Public Library for $30, or it can be ordered from the Homer Historical Society and mailed to you for $35.80 which includes tax and shipping. Checks should be made payable to Homer Historical Society and mailed to Homer Historical Society, P.O. Box 146, Homer, MI 49245. It’s a great gift for someone special or for yourself.